Spring 2024


Ages 18 months -3yrs

Pet Parade! : Gather your critters; it’s time for some fun! We will use our bodies and imaginations to gallop like horses, scamper like mice, “swim” our hands, and fly scarves like birds—all the while developing motor skills, vocabulary, imagination, and more. Woof, meow, neigh, squeak, or blub-blub-blub… Everyone is welcome in this fun, adorable, and lovably ridiculous Pet Parade!

Home Materials: A beautifully illustrated book , one double egg-shaker connected to each other , & Music delivered via our new Kindermusik App.

Cash or Check payable to the Clarkston Conservatory

Cash or Check: $88.00

Venmo: $92.00


  • Please pay in FULL either cash/check payable to the Clarkston Conservatory or via PayPal. Our credit card system through PayPal takes all major credit cards.

  • Mail full payment to Clarkston Conservatory Att: Kindermusik- Giselle, Marcy, or Tamara: 49 South Main St. Clarkston, Mi. 48346.

  • Physical home materials are required by Kindermusik International and are nonrefundable.

  • If you sign up multiple children under different instructors please write individual checks for each child. If the child is with the same instructor one check is fine.

  • $10 discount off your tuition for enrolling more than one child (discount is applied toward the second child lower tuition)

  • Grandparents, nanny’s, or a caregiver are welcome to attend class with your child! 1 adult can attend with your child at this time

  • No Classes: - May 25-27th (Memorial weekend)

  • Kindermusik guidelines will be mailed by your child’s Kindermusik instructor and it is required by all families previous & new to read them before attending the 1st day of class. If a grandparent, nanny, or other family member will be attending with your child. You must share the guidelines with them as well.

  • If you need to switch your child to another class it must be done 2 weeks prior to class.

  • Please contact us with any questions by email Giselle Graham

  • Classes fill up quickly! 10 students per class inside CCM

  • You will receive a email notification within 24 hours of your child’s registration being summitted.

  • Please read all information above before enrolling your child in Kindermusik- Thank you!