Got questions about Kindermusik? You’re in the right place! Whether you’re just starting out or seeking to enhance your Kindermusik journey, our FAQ section is designed to provide clear and helpful answers. Dive in to discover how our programs can enrich your child’s experience and find the support you need.
Try a “Kindermusik Visit” in one of our current Kindermusik classes for only $20.00. Once your visit is complete we will apply the cost of your visit to one of our current classes. Make sure to complete both the Kindermusik visit registration and payment to secure your place in one of our current open classes:
We allow one visit per student in the classes that still have openings. Any questions about our Kindermusik visits? Feel free to email Giselle @
Not a problem at all! We allow families to complete up to 2 make-up classes per session. Details of how to do a make up class are discussed the week before classes begin. No worries! We have enough classes thoughout the day, evenings, and Saturday mornings to choose from. Your Kindermusik educator will send you the information with which to sign up for a make-up class in an email before any of our new sessions begin.
Please note that we do not offer drop-in classes. Imagine your child’s face each time they enter our Kindermusik classroom. Anticipating the excitement of music class each week while growing and learning at the same time. Excited to see their new friends, music instructors, and the world of musical play and wondering which activity we may do each week. Our goal at Kindermusik is for your child to learn, move, bond and grow. It is a place where all are accepted and loved. Our classroom space allows for only 10 students per class and space and classes can fill up quickly. This is the main reason drop-in classes are not an option.
Our classes begin at age newborn - 7yrs old. Learn more about what each level provides and the growth you will see in each level we offer.
Please check out our class section to see all the different age groups we offer here:
We offer Kindermusik year round and famlies can join at anytime. If a class has already started may we still join a class? Yes you may! It’s easy- email Giselle @ for a prorated price.
For ages newborn-5yrs in our Foundation level 1 classes, level 2, and level 3 classes we offer 45 minutes of musical bliss each week with Instrument exploration, singing, dancing, story time more. That is not all! Each child will receive a book and instrument to keep plus access to our amazing Kindermusik App where they can enjoy each album from each level we provide. New level 3 students for ages 3-5yrs will also receive a new Kindermusik backpack. Each new session has wonderful new curriculum designed by Kindermusik International. If you happen to miss a class or plan a family vacation during one of our session The Kindermusik App will provide the music and activities for you to enjoy at home and when you are traveling.
For our students ages 5-7yrs in our Kindermusik Musicians level 4 and 5 60 minute classes each week: Your child will emerge into the world of learning music notation, music history, playing simple musical patterns and more. Our Kindermusik musicians will learn notes and songs on the glockenspiel, dulcimer and recorder. The beginning stages of learning to read music in a classroom environment before formal private lessons is obtained. We watch our students excel in confidence while encouraging one another to succeed Our level 4 and 5 students’ home materials include their new instrument, new holding bag, notebook with all the guidance inside to learn the concept of music, and access to our wonderful Kindermusik App that will include musical tools , videos, an album from both our Musicians year one and two curriculi they can access from home as well as in class. Our Kindermusik graduates excel in formal private lesson once completing their musical journey with us at Kindermusik.
OurAccredited Kindermusik educators are the heart and soul of your child’/ grandchild’s musical journey, with backgrounds in music and a wealth of experience in teaching and early childhood education. We are dedicated in providing the most wonderful experience for both you and your child/grandchild. We have been an award-winning Top Kindermusik program since 2006. We have served hundreds of amazing families throughout Oakland County. Many of our families will drive over an hour each week. We are humbled knowing our Kindermusik families love Kindermusik just as much as we love offering these amazing music classes to so many wonderful children. Learn more about our amazing Kindermusik Instructors here
Check out all the amazing parent testimonials here
Scroll down below to watch “The Benefit of Kindermusik” video to learn more about our program and listen to our amazing Kindermusik families testimonials. Professionally done by Caitlin Reid owner of HUVI Productions. -
Our Kindermusik classroom are cleaned and sanitized after each class. This includes are instruments, props, and scarves. We do ask families to remain at home if they are sick and sign up for a make-up day once your child/grandchild, parent, or caregiver is ready to return to class. We also ask that no items other the your music bags for our level 3-5 come to class with you. All items from home can remain in our lobby or in your car to keep our classroom clean at all times. No food or drinks are prohibited inside the classroom. We do offer a lobby where snacks or a sip of water can be taken before, during or after class. As we navigate through these unprecedented times, rest assured that we strictly adhere to government mandates regarding COVID-19 precautions, with protocols subject to any necessary adjustments. In the spirit of wellness, we kindly ask that if you or your child are feeling under the weather, please stay home and focus on recovery. To return to class, we recommend being fever-free for 24 hours and free from any contagious symptoms such as rash or drainage be gone before returning to class. Your health and safety are paramount to us, which is why we offer makeup class opportunities to ensure you never miss out on the enriching musical experience we offer.
Make sure to check out our classes for ages newborn-7yrs here
or click on the “Learn more” button above”All classes are in-person at CCM (ten students per class). Spring 4-week session in May and Summer 5 week-session in July. Open Registration is going on now!
Fall Open registration will begin on May 1, 2024.
Offering days, afternoon, evening and Saturday classes for all ages. We can’t wait for your family to become a part of our musical family.
Become a fan of our Kindermusik Facebook page to learn when our latest classes will begin
You can now shop for all the Kindermusik instruments, books and items we use in class for your child at home from Kindermusik International. 10% of your purchase goes towards our scholarship fund.